Click here to access the Rink Diary and the friendly matches (TEAMS)
The Rink Diary system can also be accessed directly from https://www.billericay.rinkdiary.co.uk
or, using the shortcut - bit.ly/rinkbookings
Anyone can access the bookings diary to view availability.
To make bookings, Club members will use the SIGN IN button, top right on the system's page, and then the LOGIN panel
A registration step has to be completed on the first visit and, once 'approved', members can Login to make full use of the system.
i.e. book available rinks, make changes or delete bookings and access the TEAMS module.
Only the member making the booking, or an administrator, can make changes to a booking.
A confirmation email will be issued following a booking or deletion.
A first draft of the User Guide has been prepared see below.
All feedback will be welcomed.