A reminder ...
that the Farewell Drive is on Saturday 28th September, 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start. It is an informal roll-up so there is no need to pre-book and we normally play two shorter games and a Spider. Everyone is welcome.
PS The final, final roll-up will be on Monday 30th September.
Club Captain
Coaching Team
The club has qualified coaches ready and willing to coach either face to face or in small groups of members.
Coaching is FREE to members and remedial help and feedback can be requested at any time during the season.
Please contact our Coaches directly - contact details can be found in the ‘Members Area’ section of the website menu.
- Brian Hyland Level 2. Has also undertaken courses in Safeguarding (Adults/Children) Disabilities and Mentoring.
- Rex Hobbs Level 2. Has also undertaken a Mentoring course.
- David Barrett Level 2
- Jim Collins Level 1
- Mike Yates Level 1
- Jean Lawrence Level 1
Further information on coaching can be found on the following websites -
- Bowls England - https://www.bowlsengland.com/coach-bowls/
- Coach Bowls - https://www.coachbowls.org/
- Essex Bowls Coaching Association - https://www.essexcoaching.info
- English Bowls Coaching Society - https://www.englishbowlscoaching.com
Club Group Sessions.
Relevant playing ticket must be held.
Every Thursday of the season.
ALL are welcome.
Meet at 9.45 for a 10am start.
Sessions will be organised by:
Chris & Helen White, Dave Osborn and Carol Phillips
Every Monday of the season.
ALL are welcome.
Meet at 1.45pm for a 2pm start.
Session will be organised and supervised by Jim Collins ( A Club Coach )